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365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day of the Year - Paperback

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365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day of the Year - Paperback

CFA13,800 Non-Member
CFA12,420 Member
Members save up to 20% & free shipping $35+
Item# 800179-800179 In Stock
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365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day Activity Book is an inspiring journal designed to help readers and budding artists nurture their creativity and explore their feelings through the medium of art. Featuring an activity for every day of the year, from simple tasks like drawing shapes and lines, to more mindful exercises like coloring-in, painting with primary colors, and drawing what you see. With beautiful, vibrant hand-lettering and watercolor illustrations, 365 Days of Art: A C 

365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day Activity Book is an inspiring journal designed to help readers and budding artists nurture their creativity and explore their feelings through the medium of art. Featuring an activity for every day of the year, from simple tasks like drawing shapes and lines, to more mindful exercises like coloring-in, painting with primary colors, and drawing what you see. With beautiful, vibrant hand-lettering and watercolor illustrations, 365 Days of Art: A Creative Exercise for Every Day Activity Book pairs inspiring quotes with supportive prompts and exercises to spark reflection through your drawing, writing, painting and more. For teens and adults.

  • Size
    6.75w x 8.45"h

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