Swatch Henri Matisse Watch - Henri Matisse
Swatch Henri Matisse Watch - Henri Matisse
Keep track of time and enjoy a little art while you’re at it. This Swatch Watch is made in collaboration with London’s Tate Gallery and boasts a vibrantly colored collage by Henri Matisse, an artist with work in MoMA’s collection. With a transparent blue bio-sourced case and bio-sourced glass, your new favorite timepiece features a reproduction of Matisse's The Snail (1953). Designed down to the last detail, even the transparent strap has a print of the artwork as well as the artist's signature,
SizeCase Diameter: 34mmCase Thickness: 8.75mmBand: 8.8"l x 0.63"wMovement: QuartzWater Resistance: 3 Bar
MaterialCase: Biosourced MaterialStrap: Plastic
Year of Design2024
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